2019 Update
As you may have noticed, we haven’t had as many product posts in the past
few months. Part of the reason is that design blogs aren’t as popular
nowadays. T...
New Medium
I've started moving my writing over to Medium, for many reasons. I've
thought long and hard about it, and I'll expand upon all that later. But
for now, hea...
IMM Cologne 2007 Inspired: Henrik Drecker
[image: henrik_drecker_bruce_lumir.jpg]
*Henrik Drecker'*s Bruce balcony barbecue grill (left) and Lumir window
light (right). Bruce is made "save space o...
¿Cómo elegir la persiana exterior ideal?
Las persianas exteriores son una solución cada vez más popular para las
ventanas de tejado. Este elemento de carpintería de ventanas reúne muchas
Dawn on Endeavour Crater
[image: Endeavour Crater]
(Here to usher in a new year of earthbound explorations is this
extraterrestrial sunrise on Endeavour Crater, captured by the Mars...
Unknown Unknowns. An Introduction to Mysteries
The show addresses a series of themes including: gravity as “the greatest
designer”, extraterrestrial architecture, deep space mysteries, future body